Thursday, August 28, 2008

Apple, Inc., The "Magic" behind their product anouncments.


The key point to note, is going to be all the nay sayers in stating, "anyone could have predicted the direction Apple was going to travel with product releases". My response, yes and no. Anyone could have, but did not with such specificity (it's a word). I am referring to the previous article I put together back in Nov. 2007 analyzing Apple's trends to accurately predict what is coming next. The industry's forecasting method as to the release of Apple's products has always been, what is going on in the industry, "ah, this must be what Apple is coming out with, Apple would be stupid not to release this type of product". Wrong.

Apple has been successful, because they do not follow the industry expectations. Perfect example, the iPhone. Enough said. They follow their own agenda, and develop products that they want, and what consumers do not know they want yet. If companies developed products that consumers told them to develop, each and every one of these companies would sink, and have. Why? because consumers are not experts. They are not experts in future technology as well as what is capable next. The best proof would be to look at Mac forums when the first iPod was released. The complaining and bitter attitude towards this new product was overwhelming. But, Steve Jobs held strong that he new this would be a hit and ignored consumers initial reactions. Low and behold, we all know what happened after. Steve Jobs is an expert. He knows what should come next due to previous products. He is on a timeline of product releases. Once people are smart enough to figure this out, we will have a solid idea of what every release will be without a single rumor needed (excluding Apple's side projects of course, but even those are very predictable, i.e. AppleTV) . Just think like an Apple employee. What would an Apple employee be working on next? The main question to reveal these truths, is Why are these Apple employees working on these products next?


The previous article I put together has been obviously spot on with the rumors today, in that Apple will be releasing a tablet form factor machine using their multi-touch technology. The funny thing is, everyone now will be saying, well duh, we all knew that. But, remember, this was predicted in Nov. of 2007 extremely accurately in regards to how they will be releasing this product and on what level. This announcement of more in depth multi-touch patents were released today to the public and submitted in April of this year. So, I will bask in the glory of proving that if you think about how Apple is thinking, you will come up with their next releases. Case in point.

Now that we have established that this model works in predicting what Apple will release due to their previous technology, and NOT what the industry experts are hoping Apple releases, we can divulge a bit more information because, well, information has been released recently, so we can narrow down our broad predictions to something a bit more specific, as well as hopefully reveal a new timeline, which is what everyone would love to know.


The next major forthcoming release is Snow Leopard. In my personal opinion, Snow Leopard is being released for two reasons.

1) This will keep Apple on their usual schedule of releasing a new operating system every 2 years.
2) This delays Apple's next major release to 4 years (2 years after snow leopard)
- This gives Apple much needed time to develop the next generation computing.
- This gives Apple the ability to remove clutter and better develop the OS to prepare for a more proper use of the CPUs.

Apple's computer processor direction they are heading is geared towards multiple cores and the proper use of these cores, we all know this. Snow Leopard is fine tuning the OS to these cores for a short term roll out. On Apple's next release, this is when multi-touch can be implemented in full force because by now, they understand how to use these cores effectively. This is important because the amount of processing power needed for multi-touch to work seamlessly, this is the key word, is to have a great deal of computing power.

We all have seen multi-touch coming in the distance, we just have never known when. The biggest challenge in rolling out multi-touch technology to consumers and having the processors to power this technology. Right now, we do not have enough. Apple is prepping their operating system for this release, so they are ready for a seamless deployment. Why add new features in January if you are just going to replace them with an entirely new way to use the operating system. This will be the next step in the consumer computing revolution, and it will be huge. How huge? Um, really, really.

Apple would like you to believe that they are just fine tuning their operating system now so it can utilize the cores more efficiently. But you really need to ask yourself, why are they doing this? So we can access the calculator application faster, NO! Because this is preparation for the next major change in computer operating systems. Releases such as this take major steps to prepare for an effective and simple release. Apple has a habit of sneaking products under our nose without us realizing it.

The perfect way to look at Apple, is to compare them to a magician. How does magic work. The magician tricks their audience into focusing very hard on an object or event, and then all of a sudden something happens at the opposite side of the stage or room that you would have never guessed they were doing. But, if you look around and try to figure out what is going on when everyone is focused on the distracting piece, you will see what is going on behind the scenes, and you will not be surprised, but you saw what was coming. Apple is the same way. Am I wrong, NO.

To end this brief article as to how you can predict what Apple is releasing by watching their activity and trends, Apple is a magician. When you focus all of your attention on Apple's right hand, you miss what is going on in their left. Write that down.


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